A common question, but one that is very situational. The amount of Pro Polish will greatly depend on the size of the boat, RV, project, etc. It also depends on how many of your surfaces you intend on waxing. Engine cowlings, non-skid areas, metal work, etc. all add to the surface area that needs to be waxed. For Shurhold's 430 SeaVee Express, we use two-three bottles to cover her top to bottom on all surfaces.


Here are some general guidelines to help you out: (For larger applications you may need even more. )



  • Under 35 ft one 16 oz bottle
  • 35-60 ft two- four 16 oz bottles
  • 60+ft one 1 Gallon jug or more


  • Pop-ups and campers one one 16 oz bottle
  • Coaches and Buses two 16 oz bottles


Auto & Home

  • One 16 oz bottle should handle most of these projects


Don't forget to consider the climate your in and the sun exposure your project will see. Figure out how many times per year you may need to wax. It may be more cost effective to buy by the Gallon. We guarantee the shelf life for 18 month from time of purchase.